JigSpace enables you to achieve superior graphical performance from large CAD files and intricate 3D models through automated and manual optimization features.
Automatic optimization
First, when you import your 3D files or CAD files into your Jig, they go through a series of compression processes to reduce loading time when your viewers open your augmented reality content. They are also prepared to render beautifully in our immersive real-time 3D and augmented reality viewers.
Second, when you are creating your Jig, we continuously optimize its associated components to reduce load time for your viewers. These processes and techniques are proprietary to JigSpace, and they can be deactivated if you ever encounter an issue with how the Jig is rendering.

What is 3D performance?
3D performance refers to the ability of the various JigSpace 3D and augmented reality viewers to render and display 3D graphics quickly and smoothly. This includes the ability to handle large numbers of polygons, textures, and lighting effects, as well as the ability to maintain a high frame rate and short load times. Good 3D performance is essential for creating immersive and visually appealing 3D content.
Understanding your 3D files
The performance of your augmented reality content in JigSpace will be largely determined by:
- polygon or triangle count
- object or part count.
We recommend a maximum of 200,000 polygons (or triangles) and 200 sub-objects per Jig.
The performance optimization panel will indicate if you are exceeding this, and by how much our automatic optimization is able to improve this.

What if optimization causes issues with your presentation?
If for some reason the automatic optimization of your 3D models fails or causes issues with your content, you can disable it by toggling off the 'Keep 3D models optimized' setting.
You can find this by clicking on the performance optimization icon or in the Jig info settings.
Manual optimization
You can manually optimize your files by preparing them in Blender before importing them to JigSpace.
See this popular tutorial for how to prepare 3D models for optimal performance.
Export settings to enhance performance
There are also a few ways to reduce the polygon count in your 3D models when exporting them from CAD software like SolidWorks, Autodesk Inventor, or PTC Creo (to name a few).
- Simplify the geometry: This can include removing unnecessary details, using simpler shapes, and eliminating small features that won't be noticeable in the final model.
- Use decimation: This is a technique that removes polygons from the model while preserving its overall shape. See how to decimate in Blender in our 3D model preparation tutorial.
- Use polygon reduction tools: Many CAD software like SolidWorks have built-in tools for reducing polygon count.
- Use a standalone polygon reduction software: There are a variety of standalone tools available that can be used to reduce polygon count of a 3D model.
- Combining the above techniques can give the best results.
It's important to note that reducing polygon count can also reduce the quality and detail of the model, so it's important to find a balance between polygon count and visual quality.
Simplify tools in CAD software
If your team use SolidWorks to create or manage your CAD files, you can follow our guide to simplifying SolidWorks assemblies for export. This guide uses the built-in simplify tool to reduce the size of meshes and remove un-wanted small parts and items like fasteners, nuts, and bolts.
We also have a guide for simplifying assemblies in Autodesk Inventor using similar methods, which you can read or download a PDF version of to share with your design and engineering teams.
Further reading
Click on the links below to learn more about 3D model optimization, improving the performance of your Jigs, and how to get the perfect 3D models for your next Jig from a range of websites.