FBX files
An FBX file is a 3D model saved in the Autodesk Filmbox format. It contains a model that can be used and shared across a variety of digital modeling and content creation programs. FBX files are often used in game development and animation. FBX files store data about cameras, lights, meshes, NURBS, and the other elements of a 3D scene.
FBX file uploads should be:
- Ideally less than 20MB each, roughly 200,000 triangles.
- Max file size 300MB.
- Multiple mesh objects can be exported as a single .fbx file. They will stay separated in the workshop.
- Reset transforms on your mesh objects.
Things to remember:
- Free user team storage is limited to storage of 100MB in total, so uploads will need to be less than this.
- Users can increase team storage with a paid subscriptions.
- Animations from FBX are not yet supported in JigSpace.
UV Map Support
One of the reasons the FBX format is so versatile is that it supports the use of UV maps. This means that if you’ve created a UV map you will be able to add your own textures to your models inside the Jig Workshop.
Blender settings
Blender FBX Export Settings:
- Model dimensions of 8,8,8 blender units are a good average size to view your model in augmented reality.
Use these settings when exporting an .fbx file from Blender:

Maya settings
Use these settings when exporting an .fbx file from Autodesk Maya to JigSpace

Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some frequently asked questions from JigSpace users in regard to using FBX files in making 3D presentations in JigSpace.
Can I convert FBX files to another format?
Yes, you can convert FBX files to other 3D file formats. This can be done using various 3D modeling software like Blender which is free, or Maya, or online conversion tools. To use FBX files in conjunction with other 3D files you can open them in JigSpace.
What is the difference between FBX and OBJ files?
FBX stands out from other 3D file formats due to its broad compatibility and comprehensive feature set. Unlike simpler formats such as OBJ, which only support geometry, materials, and textures, FBX files can also include complex scene elements like scale, lights, cameras, and animation data. This makes it ideal for transferring detailed 3D scenes between different software platforms.
Can I edit FBX files?
Yes, FBX files can be edited using various 3D modelling software such Blender, or Autodesk's Maya. Once importing your FBX file into JigSpace you an alter some basic properties of the file, such as colors, materials, textures, scale, and position. However, you cannot edit the geometry or underlying shape or meshes inside JigSpace.
Are FBX files larger than other 3D file formats?
The size of FBX files can vary based on the complexity of the 3D model. However, FBX files tend to be larger than simpler formats like OBJ, as they contain more information. This information can include:
- Complexity of the model : More detailed and complex models, which have a high polygon count, will have larger file sizes.
- Embedded Media: FBX files can contain embedded textures and other media, which can significantly increase file size.
- Animation Data: If the FBX file contains complex animations, especially for multiple objects or characters, the file size can increase dramatically.
- Level of Detail: Multiple versions of the same object at different levels of detail (LODs) can also contribute to file size.
- Scene Elements: Other elements like lights, cameras, and rigging data can also add to the file size.