Moving the position of an object across multiple steps can create a realistic reflection of how your models behave and are utilized in the real world. You can edit the position of objects, sub-objects, or a custom group of objects.
Moving object position
The Move Tool {icon-move.svg} is located on the Toolbar and can be used to move your objects in 3D.
To move your selected object horizontally you need to drag the X-axis (red), vertically drag the Y-axis (green), and for depth drag the Z-axis (blue).

Editing object properties
You can edit the exact x,y, or z position properties of an object in the object property panel.
Position properties are in the metric scale, to millimeter detail.
- 1 meter = 1.000
- 1 centimeter = 0.01
- 1 millimeter = 0.001
To edit object properties in JigSpace, follow these steps:
- Ensure you are using the latest version of the JigSpace desktop app and are editing a Jig
- Select a step and the object, sub-object or part you wish to edit
- Click on the “Show properties panel” button in the top right corner of the screen
- Go to “Transformation” and “Position”
- Click inside the x, y, or z field you want to edit
- Enter a new number.
You will need a paid subscription to access advanced editing tools.

Desktop hotkeys
To select the move tool press [key W]
To 'Snap' an objects movement by degrees hold [key Shift] while you tap and drag on the move tools arrows.