JigSpace is all about sharing information with others. Presenting is one of the key features of Jig. It allows you to display your work in interactive 3D, in a form that is easy to use and customize.

1. Next Step
Go to next step of the presentation.
2. Previous step
Go to a previous step of the presentation.
3. Record presentation
Record your live presentation and save the video for later use.
4. Multiplayer presentation
Invite other users to view your presentation.
5. More Settings

6. Close menu
Toggle from augmented reality to 3D view mode.
7. Hide labels
Disables showing labels automatically on a presentation.
8. Reposition object
Reposition the nudge by 1cm increments or reposition the object in AR.
9. Reset Scale
Re-scale your models to their original size.
10. Toggle view mode
Toggle from augmented reality to 3D view mode.