To save the latest changes of your Jig presentation, press Save {icon-save.svg} .
It will take a few seconds to save your project, you will stop seeing the saving progress bar when the latest change has been saved.

What data is saved in a Jig?
Your 3D presentation can contain a range of information, that can be grouped into the following types. Updating any of these parts of your presentation requires saving your Jig and creates an incremental version.
3D models and other content
Adding or editing 3D models, textures, materials, video, audio, text, and their properties like material settings, or physical properties requires. These properties and assets can only be edited and saved from within the editor (or 'workshop' as it was formally named).
Steps and actions
A presentation contains steps, like slides in a slideshow, that create animation as a user transitions from one to another. These can be linked to from interactive actions in a configurator style Jig, and can contain unique text or audio instructions. 3D models and content in the presentation do not need to be added each time to a step, rather the step itself is more like a 'scene' with different visual properties for the 3D models.
Presentation settings
Your presentation can contain a range of meta data including name, description, thumbnail, tags, categories which help your viewers find and identify them.
They also can contain settings to enable or disable optional features like autoplay, automatic optimization, hide step controls, allow exploded views, picking and pulling apart Jigs in Apple Vision Pro.
Permission and visibility
A presentation has permission settings that enable you to choose who can see it, who can edit it, or make copies of it.
Stale update protection
Adding or updating any of the 4 data types above creates an incremental version of your Jig presentation. These can be made from within the JigSpace apps, or the account dashboard.
When multiple devices or users attempt to make changes to a presentation, we manage file update conflicts by checking the version number currently being saved.
If you attempt to update a stale version of your presentation (i.e. an older version compared to the current version) you will be prompted to update to the latest version of presentation, or make a copy of your current older version. This protects the latest version of your presentation from being accidentally overwritten.