JigSpace offers multiple options for customizing your models in order to make them more realistic. You can select a color, material, or add textures.
Adding color to your Objects and Sub-objects can be one of the quickest ways to adding life to a model. Color can be used to define different materials and highlight important objects on a given step.
Change the color of an object, by selecting your Object or Sub-object and tap on the Color {icon-colour.svg} button on the Toolbar. This will open the Color Menu.

1. Hide
The Hide {icon-visible.svg} tool allows you to turn a selected object or sub-object invisible (fully transparent) on a given step. This can be used to hide unnecessary models from your scene.
2. Transparency
The Transparency slider allows you to edit the transparency of an object. You can choose from fully visible, to different degrees of transparency, to fully transparent (Hidden).
3. Eyedropper
The Eyedropper {icon-dropper.svg} tool allows you copy both the material, color, or textures of a different object onto your current selected object.
4. Color Field
The Color field can be used to customize the Saturation, and Brightness of your chosen color. Tap and drag around the field to find the perfect color.
5. Color Slider
The Color Slider lets you select Hue (Color) of your selected objects or sub-objects on a given step.