The Replicate tool is one of the most valuable controls for quickly editing a Jig and can save you a enormous amount of time. It allows you to copy and paste an Objects attributes on different steps of the Timeline.
Press and hold down on an attribute in toolbar to open the Replicate tool.
This will bring up the Replicate Flower.
Select the attributes you want to copy and then choose one of the options of the Replicate tool to choose where along the timeline you’d like to replicate an attribute.

1. Copy
Copy allows you to copy and store all of the selected attributes of an Object. You can then go to any Step of your Timeline and paste these attributes.
2. Across all previous Steps
Replicate across all previous Steps will copy and paste any selected attributes from your selected Object across every previous step of your Timeline.
3. Across the previous Step
Replicate across the previous Step will copy and paste any selected attributes from your selected Object back onto the previous step of the Timeline.
4. Across all Steps
Replicate across all Steps will copy and paste any selected attributes from your selected Object across every step of your Jig.
5. Across the next Step
Replicate across the next Step will copy and paste any selected attributes from your selected Object forward onto the next step of the Timeline.
6. Across all next Steps
Replicate across all next Steps will copy and paste any selected attributes from your selected Object forward across every next step in your Timeline.
7. Paste
Paste allows you to paste all of the copied attributes of a selected Object onto your current Step. You can also select any Step of your Timeline and paste these attributes.