There are several ways you can share your 3D presentations with your team members using the JigSpace app. Sharing is flexible, ranging from individual 1:1 permission to general team-wide access. You can control who in your team can view, edit, copy, or share your content. Finally, role-based access ranges from read-only presenters, creators, and team admins.
Sharing settings are accessed from the Share menu from within the JigSpace app.
Team-wide settings
Team can view
The easiest way to share your 3D presentations internally with your team is by sharing them with your entire team. You can access this directly in the sharing panel by clicking Share throughout the JigSpace app.

Anyone in your team can view this content when they navigate to the Team Jigs section in the JigSpace apps on Apple Vision Pro, iPad, Desktop apps, and iPhone.
You can set your Jigs to have private visibility (signed in only), password protected, or to anyone with the link can view.

Who can view a 'Team' Jig
Follow the table below to see who can view and edit Jigs, when a Jig is set to ‘Team can view’.
Allow re-sharing
Turning on Allow re-sharing enables anyone in your team to share your 3D presentation with any of the sharing methods:
If you disable re-sharing, your team will still be able to view the Jig by logging into the Jig app and going to Team Jigs. This is often a preferred implementation for augmented reality at trade shows and retail sales experiences where a read-only account is set up for self-guided access.
Team can edit
With a single toggle, you can enable your team members to collaborate, edit, and update your Jigs easily. The Team can edit setting ensures any current team member, or future team member, can open the Jig, and make changes to it: big or small.

If your team is small, or a group of trusted technical users, you may be comfortable with this relatively open setting. However, if your team is very large or spans multiple departments, you may wish to use individual 1:1 access to enable multiple team mates to edit the same Jig.
Team can edit
To make it clear who can view and edit Jigs, when a Jig is set to ‘Team can edit’ follow the table below.
Individual 1:1 sharing
Giving users access
Use the individual 1:1 sharing permissions to collaborate with a smaller number of people, or when you wish to have a mixture of read-only and editing roles on a file.
Examples of users suited to editing access: engineers, designers, copywriters, marketing, and subject matter experts, while examples of users with view-only access may include: sales reps, management, stakeholders, or training participants..
To give 1:1 access to an individual in your team:
- Click on ‘Manage Access’ in the sharing panel
- Find your team mate in the list
- Select their access (view or edit).

These users will be sent an email notification, and will see the updated Jig appear in My Jigs and Shared with me. You will also be able see these users at a glance in the thumbnail preview when you initially click on a Jig.

Managing user access
If someone is not yet in your team, you need to first add them to your team before you can share with them using individual 1:1 sharing.
See how to invite users to your team
If you modify a user access from can edit, to can view, they will no longer be able to edit the Jig. However, if the user has a Team Admin role, they will still be able to edit the Jig.
Role based user access
Different user roles are granted default permissions, which interact with a Jig's sharing settings.
Who can edit a Jig’s sharing settings
Any Jig owner, editor, or team admin, is able to edit who can access the Jig. This includes adding, updating, or removing individual 1:1 access, or updating the visibility of the Jig from private, password protected, or to anyone with the link can view.
If a Jig is set to ‘team can edit’, then anyone in the team can edit its settings as well. This may be positive on low-risk content, removing friction for inviting new users, or enabling anyone in the team to take charge for quick updates and changes. However, if you want tighter control of these settings, you may prefer to only use individual 1:1 sharing settings.
Team sharing demo
Try this hands on demonstration of JigSpace, from creating a 3D presentation, sharing 1:1 with team mates, and then sharing with the whole team.